Reality television fans may remember the show “Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica,” which highlighted the brief marriage of Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. In one episode, Nick takes Jessica camping. Few would consider Jessica “outdoorsy” so no surprise when she asks, “I don’t know. Is that weird, taking my Louie Vuitton bag camping?” Well, yes, but her question serves as a reminder that we often take equally valuable items with us on vacation. Bikes, golf clubs, fishing tackle, and water skis are but a few of the many items we routinely bring on vacation that can costs thousands of dollars to replace if damaged or lost in an accident or through theft, fire, or severe weather. If you are not adequately insured, you will be forced to pay a portion, if not all of the loss out-of-pocket or go without.
Homeowners Insurance Leaves Home When You Do
Fortunately, your property coverage, whether it be renters or a homeowners insurance policy, will likely provide some coverage for personal possessions away from home, but the amount of coverage, exclusions, and limitations vary. Give us a call to review your existing coverage. You may need extended coverage or different kinds of coverage. Generally speaking, property insurance policies address the loss of personal property while away from home when stemming from a loss due to:
- Fire or lightning
- Theft
- Windstorm or Hail
- Falling Objects
- Explosion
- Weight of ice, snow, or sleet.
- Riot or civil commotion.
- Sudden & accidental tearing apart, cracking, burning, or bulging of a steam or hot water heating system.
- Aircraft
- Freezing
- Vehicles
- Sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current.
- Smoke
- Volcanic Eruption
- Vandalism/ Malicious Mischief
- Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam
Even if you are careful, you can be caught outside in severe weather or experience mechanical problems. Trees fall on campsites, boats sink, trailer hitches break, RVs need a tow, paddles get washed downriver. To prevent misfortune from it becoming a financial crisis, make sure you have enough insurance and the right types of insurance to blunt the financial impact of a loss.
The father-son team at Smith Insurance has advised residents of Big Bend, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha and surrounding communities for over 20 years. Smith Insurance is an independent insurance agency meaning that we deal with a number of insurance companies. For you, that often means more choice and better prices. Contact us at 262-662-4327 to talk about your insurance needs. Or meet with us in person. Our office is located at W230 S8735 Clark Street, Big Bend, WI 53103. You may not be into Louie Vuitton, but we bet you need coverage all the same!